YOU ARE LOOKING AT THE MOST SOUGHT AFTER REPEATER SYSTEM IN THE WORLD! THAT IS BECAUSE THIS IS THE HIGHEST REPEATER TECHNOLOGY KNOWN TO MAN KIND. YOUR LOOKING AT THE BEST OF THE BEST AS FAR AS USER CONTROLLED COMMUNICATION SERVICE TO YOUR HAM COMMUNITY. No other repeater or repeater network for that matter can even come close to this repeater! Yes it is that good! That is because it is the most cutting edge repeater technology available in the entire world! YES ITS AN ALLSTAR REPEATER. IT WAS SET UP AND PROGRAMED BY THE GOD OF THE RADIO HIMSELF. THE DUDE HAS PROGRAMED THIS REPEATER CHANNEL TO BE ON 444.000 + OFFSET AND I HAVE THE CABLING AND URI INCLUDED. Then all you need is a computer. Then simply go to the allstar websight and download the free ISO files and it walks you through the set up. I will leave that up to you. Most folks enjoy playing with the Rasbary pi. You will have to figure out how to set up the node in soft-where. A Linux programmer will be a helpful person to have handy. I do not know Linux. It is my understanding that anyone can simply donload the iso file and it walks you through the set up easily. There are many utube instructional videos and more than 3000 people around the world have suss fully done this. The system you see in the photos is my repeater controlled from my computer that has been running on the asterisks chain for years. I was one of the very first allstar repeaters ever built by the “God of the radio himself” so this repeater has been tested on my allstar mini-itx controller so I do know it works very well. I will keep my computer and give you the repeater and URI and URI cable already made up ready to plug and play into your computer running your own node. All I know how to do is tell you that you must port forward your router to port 4569 start and 4569 end udp and the putty port 222 start and 222 end other wise your system might only make out bound connections or no connections at all until you do that. There is an easy way to cut and paste echolink onto your allstar box as well but I don’t know how its done but I hear its really easy to do. I know you have to log into your node with username and password and do an ifconfig command to get the ip address and then you log into the NAT menu of your internet router and port forward those ports above to that ip address you saw from your ifconfig screen in your Linux box. You will be on your own to download the iso files and create a node for your city or community. It is my understanding that the downloadable soft-where has default settings for the hang time and audio levels, delays and curticy tones ect but lord help you if you should need to go into Linux and adjust that because the “God of the radio” is no longer here to help with that, you will need to find a Linux programmer handy to help with that. This 440 High power 50watt (set to 12 watts by the dude to run the finals cool and perfect power for any hill top) TOP OF THE LINE NAME BRAND MOTOROLA L44sum7000bt repeater (its the high power version desktrac that Motorola makes) is really nice because if you give up on allstar and want to go back to your old school controllers it has a CWID 50-E inside and it also has a line control board module add-on inside model number FRN-5315LB. This repeater is also very unique because it has both the 110v plug style wall power plug as well as a 12v buss on the back for running on a solar hill-top for example. Most Motorola repeater desk-tracks don’t have any of these features. So this repeater is loaded! The desktrack was the dudes favorite repeater because it was he had the soft-where to program them and all the pin outs for making the URI cables for them. I know how to make those as the dude has taught me many times. He loved the desktrack repeater. He has node 2025 up on oat mountain in los Angeles for probably 18 years! It serviced the heart of Los Angeles for many years! THIS IS A ONCE IN A LIFE TIME OPPORTUNITY AND ONCE THIS FLASHES BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES YOU WILL NEVER SEE ANOTHER ONE AGAIN IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE TIME EVER AGAIN! THAT IS HOW RARE THIS ANIMAL IS! OF COURSE THE MINI ITX COMPUTER IS NOT INCLUDED, YOU HAVE TO GET YOUR OWN CONTROLLER. I DO HAVE A FEW D945GCLF2 MINI ITX COMPUTERS ASK IF YOUR INTERESTED. You will also need to find someone that knows linux to flash the cf card and get it up on the asterisks chain. I was trained by the “God of the radio” himself on how to build the best hilltop mini-itx computers (hardware only, not soft where) with his favorite rock solid CF boot-able flash cards and I know how to make the URI cables. You can do a URI’S or you can do the quad-pci radio card. The dude said they are both good choices. I like the URI better because you can remotely control and set the audio levels at any time from any location around the world. The Quad pci radio card has several sets of pots that you must manually adjust to set the audio levels on up to 4 repeaters. Imagine that, a little mini itx computer can control 4 repeaters on the quad pci and 4 on the 4 usb ports for a whopping 8 repeaters simultaneously! That feature alone blows away the palamar telecom controller with out all the dozens of user controlled service features that comes with the asterisk package in adition. This technology makes all controllers obsolete! I have built many of these mini-itx rock solid controllers under careful instruction of the dude himself! I was trained by the master himself but unfortunately I only learned how to build the hardware and know almost nothing about the Linux soft-where set up. I always left the black putty screen programming up to the genius. I tried to watch him work his magic on that key board but the strange letters and sentences he was typing on the screen was always Greek to me. I have one system here and the power and control blows all other repeaters off the map literally! There is no comparison! My cousin from Switzerland can log into my repeater from his lap top in Switzerland and make a full-duplex telephone call on my repeater “from Switzerland” without a radio at all! He can even multiplex multiple full-duplex telephone calls internationally on my repeater all the way from Switzerland. This is because the system runs on the asterisks chain which is the same thing as actually owning the technology that AT&T uses! Yes that is correct, asterisks is itself an international telephone company’s switch platform and yes you latterly have the same power as AT&T or GTE does at the control of your finger tips with asterisks! That was what he did for us! … He managed to accomplish that goal before he passed which is amazing in itself. That is just the tip of the ice burg for what this repeater controller technology can do. You can also multiplex many frequency agile HF remote bases together simultaneously with the international auto-patch if you like…. Insane is an understatement! The repeater technology is the highest in the world! There is no other repeater or repeater network system or repeater service in the entire world that can even come close to the user service that a computer controller like this on the asterisks chain can provide. It can also be set up on a private network if you wish but you will need a Linux programmer available to do it. It is the best in the world today. The astrisks chain is a commercial PBX telephone switch but here it was set aside for amateur use. ALSO THE BLACK COMPUTER SHOWN IS NOT INCLUDED. HISTORY OF THE WORK OF ART AND ARTIST. THIS ITEM AS OF DECEMBER 4 2016 HAS OFFICIALLY BECOME A TRUE GENUINE WORK OF ART IN WHICH THE ART WORK HAS REACHED ITS PEAK PRICE. JUST LIKE IN THE PAINTING WORLD, THE ARTIST’S WORK IS NOT VALUABLE UNTIL THE ARTIST DIES. PABLO PICASSO’S ART WAS OF LITTLE VALUE WHILE HE WAS ALIVE BUT HIT ITS PEAK ONLY AFTER HE PASSED AWAY. SAME IS TRUE WITH THIS DEVICE. ONLY THIS DEVISE IS A HELL OF A LOT MORE USEFUL THAN A PAINTING ON A WALL SO I CAN TELL YOU THIS IS WORTH EVEN MORE THAN A PICASSO PAINTING FOR THAT REASON. THE ARTIST THAT MADE THIS UNUSUAL REPEATER, I DON’T WANT TO GIVE HIS NAME BUT MOST NORMAL HAMS WILL KNOW HIM. HE IS KNOWN AS THE FATHER OF MODERN DAY VOIP TELEPHONY. HE WAS A GENIUS IN THE WORLD OF TELECOM! HE INVENTED THE HIGHEST LINKED REPEATER TECHNOLOGY KNOWN TO MAN KIND. IN THE COMMERCIAL WORLD HE INVENTED ASTRICON THE INTERNATIONAL ASTERISKS CONVENTION THAT MEETS EVERY YEAR AND HIS INVENTIONS AND TECHNOLOGIES WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR BUILDING MANY OF THE COMMERCIAL COMPANIES AROUND THE WORLD THAT ATTEND THAT YEARLY CONVENTION. THE REPEATER TECHNOLOGY HE INVENTED IS FREELY ACCESSIBLE TO ALL HAMS AND THE INTERNATIONAL NETWORKS POWER AND CAPABILITY FAR SURPASSES THE POWER AND CAPABILITY OF EVERY OTHER NETWORK KNOWN TO MAN KIND IN THE HAM RADIO WORLD TODAY BY LIGHT YEARS! IT LITERALLY KNOCKS THE SOCKS OFF OF ALL THE OTHERS OUT THERE BECAUSE IT FAR SURPASSES THEIR REPEATERS USER SERVICE, CONTROL AUDIO QUALITY AND FUNCTIONALITY. IT IS CURRENTLY THE BEST REPEATER SYSTEM IN THE WORLD. THE HIGH NUMBER OF ACCESSIBLE USER FEATURES ON THE SYSTEM ARE SO MANY THAT EVEN EXPERIENCED USERS CAN’T REMEMBER OR UNDERSTAND ALL THEIR CAPABILITIES. THE ENDLESS CAPABILITY LIST BEWILDERS EVEN THE MOST EXPERIENCED USERS TO THIS VERY DAY. ON THE SYSTEM YOU CAN CONSTANTLY HEAR PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT THE MIND BOGGLING FUNCTIONS OF THIS TECHNOLOGY WITH AMAZEMENT EVERY DAY! A SIMPLE GOOGLE SEARCH OF THE MANS NAME PULLS A LIST OF HITS LITERALLY 10 PAGES OR 100 INDIVIDUAL HITS IN LENGTH RIGHT OFF THE BAT! THAT IS HOW FAMOUS THE ARTIST IS. THE MAN WOULD TELL ME STORIES ABOUT OTHER CLOSED COMPETITOR NETWORKS AND HOW THE GU-RUUR’S OR SYSTEM PRESIDENTS WOULD TREAT HIM ON OTHER BIG SYSTEMS IN LA AND THAT IS WHY HE DECIDED TO INVENT HIS OWN SYSTEM THAT PUT THE OTHERS TO SHAME. THIS MAN SUCCEEDED TO BUILT AN OPEN SYSTEM THAT LITERALLY BLUE ALL THE OTHERS OFF THE MAP! THE ARTISTS LEGACY HAS LITERALLY SHAKEN THE ENTIRE WORLD BOTH IN THE AMATEUR WORLD AND COMMERCIAL WORLD LIKE AN EARTHQUAKE! THE MAN IS A TRUE LEGEND! HATS OFF TO THE ARTIST AND INVENTOR OF THIS WORK OF ART AND HIS CREATION! The man was truly a genius, a true technology engineer that literally shaped the world as we know it today in the world of telicom and I was both lucky and unlucky to have been so close to him. I was lucky to help this man build the best repeater system in the world today known as the asterisks chain but was unlucky because helping this man took a chunk of about 5 years out of my life! It was like I had been in jail for about 5 years of my life. He rented from my dad and lived on our property twice from 2000 to 2001 and then again from 2008 to 20012 some 5 years total.. He needed a lot of help to solder wires and move his tools around so I would get a call to help him it seemed almost everyday. It was annoying but at the same time I was proud to help such a brilliant individual. When we soldered wires together and he tapped a key on the keyboard of his computer the whole world shook like an earthquake with everytap of a key and every drop of solder! The black screen of the putty session terminal with all the geek sentences and letters i would see the Jewish man type was totally foreign to me. I did not understand what the hell the man was typing on the black screen every day but I knew that every key stroke was actually controlling something that was live and working in telecom somewhere else in the world! Then the lunches, god the lunches were another time consuming endeavor. A drive to another city to have lunch was nuts in my book but I did it to make the man happy. The man also owned developed and operated his own ISP, he was an internet engineer! He was the creator of Bit Hauler internet company that provided DSL, dialup and wireless for the mountain city’s above Fresno California. The reason is because he always wanted to give every one “The Service” for free! He did it with his internet company and now he wants to give “The service” for free to hams as well. You can google his name and on the 3rd hit you can watch his you-tube video of the 2014 talk he gave at astricon in Los Vegas NV 2014. During the lecture, some one asked did you get your invention patented? ” and his answer was “no because that would defeat my purpose, I want everyone to have my technology and service for free at no charge! The man was truly a one of a kind individual. He had a big heart and was a true genius as an engineer. Bob odonald dudes care taker once said to me and I quote his exact words that man is THE GOD OF THE RADIO! We had had jokingly discussed this many times. We would joke together about this, he once told me that this revolution has begun a new religious cult with its own following. Please Donate to the websigh if you can because the people that keep the giant international network running despratly need funding to keep the astrisks servers on all the time and the hi-speed internet service they require has bills that must be paid. So please support allstar. Just a little added bonus idea. The item “HI-PRO MOTOROLA DESKTRAC UHF 440 MHZ 70cm HAM RADIO ASTERISKS ALLSTAR REPEATER” is in sale since Friday, March 24, 2017. This item is in the category “Consumer Electronics\Radio Communication\Ham, Amateur Radio\Ham Radio Transceivers”. The seller is “bird-carpenter” and is located in Coarsegold, California. This item can be shipped worldwide.
- Frequency Band(s): UHF
- Supported Modes: FM
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Brand: Motorola
- MPN: Does Not Apply
- Band Plan: 70 cm