KENWOOD TM-231A 2 METER HAM RADIO TRANSCEIVER (Needs new memory battery). This radio is in good working condition and puts out about 40+ watts (Daiwa meter not included) and needs to have the memory battery replaced. It come with a working microphone, power cord and original box only, I think the numeric numbers may not be working properly. What you see in the photos is what you get, no more no less. The Kenwood TM-231A combines high performance receiver and transmitter specifications with easy-to-use features. There are 20 multi-function memory channels plus 1 call channel, and all can be used to store transmit and receive frequencies as well as repeater and signaling data. The TM-231A transmits on 2 meters with three output power levels: 5/10/50 watts. Extended receive allows reception from 138 to 174 MHz. You also get auto-power off, built-in CTCSS encode, time-out timer, auto repeater offset and easy to read LCD. Frequency steps are: 5, 10, 15, 20, 12.5, and 25 kHz.