This is a very nice Yaesu FT-101EE HF Transceiver. The radio covers the traditional HF Bands, 160, / 80/75 / 40 / 20 / 15 / 10 Meters, WWV on 10 Mhz in receive only as well as the 11 meter “CB” band – NOTE: most of the 10 Meter crystals have been replaced to expand 11 meter coverage: band switch positions 10A now covers 26.5 – 27.0 MHz, 10B now covers 27.0 – 27.5 MHz, 10C now covers 27.5 – 28.0 MHz, and 10D covers 28.5 – 29.0 Mhz. The Aux band switch position does not have a crystal installed. The other band positions have the correct crystals installed. It was built in 1977. It is a hybrid rig, meaning it is all solid state with the exception of the transmit driver, (12BY7), and final tubes, (2 X 6JS6). It puts out a solid 100 watts on all bands, (photos show 160, and 10 meters – readings were taken in “Tune” position). Receive works fine on all bands as well. All functions and controls appear to work as they should. Cosmetically, I’d rate it a 7 out of 10. The cabinet has the usual scrapes, scuffs, scratches and some dings. The front panel and controls are in good condition. I’ve used this rig on 80, 40, and 20 meter side band with no issues and excellent signal reports. The 11-pin octal plug on the rear panel includes a pigtail for keying an external amplifier – NOTE: this plug must be installed in order for the final tube filaments to get power.