JUST WEST OF FLINT… From a local ham who is moving into restricted housing and he has no room for this equipment. This Kenwood TL-922A is in beautiful condition. Of course it wired for 220vac. It covers 160 through 10 meters plus will also cover 12 and 17 meters. YES, it has the Kenwood factory 10m mod done. The white line markers are simply sticky labels that easily peel right off. Output figures as tested by me with 85W input from a TS-2000 are as follows. 12m 1100 watts in 10m position. 17m 1000 watts in 20m position. Also included is a box of 10 BUSS AGU-15 replacement fuses should they ever be needed. I can also be contacted at K8TJ via QRZ if you have any questions. The Kenwood TL-922A HF linear amp is designed to provide the maximum legal power, utilizing two 3-500Z high performance transmitting tubes. The amp features two meters for maximum operating convenience. Power is 2000W PEP SSB, 1000W DC CW/RTTY input. Drive power is 80 or more watts. The TL-922A covers 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters. Power requirement: 120/220V 28A 50/60Hz type. 220/240V 14A 50/60 Hz type. 15.4 x 7.5 x 16 inches 68.3 lbs. And now the fine print.. If my items have any known issues I will list them as I test ALL equipment to the best of my ability before listing unless otherwise stated. Most of the equipment I resell comes from hamfests.