YAESU – FT-1500M VHF FM Mobile Transceiver New In Box! This was bought and never used! VHF FM Mobile Transceiver. Solid As A Rock. The Yaesu FT-1500M will go down in history as yet another landmark in radio engineering and further enhances Yaesu’s legendary reputation for tough durable construction and precedent setting design. 50-Tone CTCSS Encode/Decode Built In. For easy repeater access, or silent monitoring of busy channels, CTCSS Encoder and Decoder circuits are built into the FT-1500M. CTCSS data may be stored independently into each channel. The FT-1500M also includes a CTCSS “Tone Scan” feature, which lets yous earch for the CTCSS tone on an incoming signal. Yaesu’s FT-1500M, a masterpiece of RF and mechanical engineering, is a trend-setting blend of compactness and functionality. The Yaesu FT-1500M is the most quiet and efficient radio transceiver ever built. Excellent receiver performance, direct keypad freuency entry, Alpha-Numeric Memory System, and 50 Watts of output power, and mini-DIN data port are just the start! The FT-1500M’s receiver section is as tough as its physical construction. It features Yaesu’s renowned RF ATT (Advanced Track Tuning), that provides outstanding mmunity to receiver intermodulation. Yet the FT-1500M also features wie receiver coverage of 137 to 174 Mhz, so you can monitor Public Safety, Weather, and Amateur communications with ease! The FT-1500M includes a total of 149 memory channels, including 130 “regular” memories, 9 pairs of band-edge memories, and an instant-recall “Home” channel you can program for a favorite frequency. All memories will store CTCSS encode/decode status, power output level, and Alpha-Numeric titles. Memory channels may be displayed either with the channel frequency or a personalized Alpha-Numeric title, for easy channel recognition. Up to six letters, numbers, or characters may be programmed into the title. Weather Band Memory Bank. The FT-1500M includes a separate 10-channel Weather Band Memory Bank for quick and easy access to NOAA weather broadcast information in your area, without having to scan through the regular memories!