For sale is this really sweet, fully tested and working perfectly an ICOM IC- 718 transceiver. This is a GREAT PRICE. Comes With Mic, Power Cord with Fuses and Power Pole Connectors, and Original Instruction Manual. Reported with excellent audio quality. Full 100W output and working perfectly. I love the way these older ICOM radios have everything you need right on the front panel and you don’t need to go through tons of menus to get to something simple. ICOM IC-718 HF All Band Transceivers. FCC License Required to Transmit. Internal HF Antenna Tuner. 0.030-29.999 MHz. Third Order Intercept (IP3). Dedicated Receive Antenna Input. Digital Mode Audio Input/Output. This transceiver does not operate in FM mode. Band Coverage Transmit Frequency Range. 160 meters 1.800-1.999 MHz. 80 meters 3.500-3.999 MHz. 40 meters 7.000-7.300 MHz. 30 meters 10.100-10.150 MHz. 20 meters 14.000-14.350 MHz. 17 meters 18.068-18.168 MHz. 15 meters 21.000-21.450 MHz. 12 meters 24.890-24.990 MHz. 10 meters 28.000-29.700 MHz. ICOM IC-718 HF All Band Transceivers make communicating with the world easy! The superior performance of these HF base transceivers allows you to make contacts over long distances–even to the other side of the world! With excellent receiver sensitivity, a wide dynamic range, high signal-to-noise ratio, and full-duty operation, the ICOM IC-718 offers the latest RF and digital technology in a compact size. Clean, clear audio is easily heard from the front-facing speaker and the IC-718 features a minimum of switches and controls to simplify operation. Plus, a soft-touch 10-key pad allows for the direct entry of an operating frequency. These are great HF starter transceivers but they will also thrill the accomplished ham, because the IC-718s are very simple to use. The IC-718 HF All Band transceivers will definitely be the most practical DSP rigs you will ever own! 160 through 10 meter operation (60 meter channels not available). Continuously adjustable RF power output. 100 watts maximum to 2 watts minimum (SSB and CW modes). 30 kHz through 30 MHz general coverage receiver. 1 Hz frequency resolution. Other great features include. RF attenuator and preamplifier. Adjustable level noise blanker. Receiver Incremental Tuning (RIT). Tuning rate auto step-up function. Adjustable microphone audio compressor. These little transceivers are great for portable use or as Field Day equipment. They also make great back-up transceivers for well-equipped ham shacks. New Ham or not, one of these IC-718s is a nice addition to any station.