Thank you for visiting our site. Please be sure to read to the end for a satisfactory shopping experience. This item has been tested. There are no problems with sending or receiving. There are scratches on the exterior due to age and normal use, but they do not affect the operation of the product. We have performed cleaning and other maintenance to ensure the longevity of the product. We also replace parts when deemed necessary by our technicians during operation checks. However, this does not apply to items listed as junk. Please note that items that could not be checked for operation due to circumstances are listed as junk. Unless otherwise stated, no special modifications have been made. If you want to enjoy the original condition, please consider this item. Please prepare the power supply separately. A separate power supply such as a regulated power supply or car battery is required to use this product. Various accessories such as power supply units and speakers compatible with each device are also available. [About product images] The pictures shown on the product page are real pictures taken by our company. Recently, there are sellers who use our images without permission. In such cases, the equipment may not work, or if there is a problem with the equipment, it may not be addressed. Please beware of counterfeit products. Please understand this in advance. Thank you for reading this long article. Thank you for visiting. If you have any question or concern, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please Note for International Buyers. Generally, those additional costs will be charged by the carrier when you receive the item.