This Yaesu FT-1000 Ham Radio Transceiver is in excellent condition. The radio has been in use within the past month so I know it at least transmits and receives. I have seen the radio in use however, the relative sadly has passed.

I pulled this radio which was hooked up in a Gentleman’s radio room who passed. We cleaned his estate out for the family. I do not operate Ham radio so I have only tested this unit for power and nothing … read more
This radio has never been truly used. It was part of a collection of many radios most of which never saw any real use. Tested works flawlessly, astatic D104 microphone is included. It’s pretty much new without the box. This … read more
Kenwood TS-870S HF All Mode 100 Watt Transceiver 160 to 10 Meter. Uilt-in automatic antenna tuner. Astron Power Supplies RS-20A. Astatic D-104 Ham Radio Microphone Plus Kenwood Hand Mic. Orginal Manual, Power Cords, SSB Filter YK-88S2 and Box. Please read … read more