Due to the combination of digital and analog modes, RT3S possesses both analog and DMR radio performance, and can also talk to analog radios and digital radios. RT3S supports recording function, allowing you to save your important communications.

Al band digital radio uses Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) Tier 2 Standard protocol. It is compatible with the popular MOTO TRBO series Tier I and II using standard encryption, as well as other makes and models of DMR supported radios. … read more
RT3S dual band digital radio uses Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) Tier 2 Standard protocol. It is compatible with the popular MOTO TRBO series Tier I and II using standard encryption, as well as other makes and models of DMR supported … read more
You may also like. GPS Dual Band Funkgeräte Retevis RT3S UHF/VHF Walkie Talkie Digitale TDMA VOX. Der DMR-Dualband-Amateurfunk-Handheld RT3S verfügt über ein stabiles Gehäuse, eine gute Bedienbarkeit und eine gute Kostenleistung. Das Dualband-Radio verwendet TDMA-Technologie und ist mit MOTOTRBO Tier … read more